Tuesday, May 11, 2010

i spelled VOLCANO wrong on accident !
Wordle: Untitled

Friday, May 7, 2010

blog post #4

  1. The universe did not stay in a tiny little sphere because things started to form. For instance, moons and planets and stars started to appear. Also, it was a lot of gases mixed together.
  2. I will die, there is no way out once you get snatched in. It has so much gravity that once your in there you are just gone forever.
  3. It could take a journey as if i was starting in one place in space and ending there. A very long time. Id think you would die also, but it would be a slower process. Then again, i think they are very hard to predict.

Friday, April 30, 2010

blog post #3

  1. Four ways scientists can detect planets are radial velocity, astrometry, transit method, and optical detection.
  2. Optical detection makes the most sense because, planets don't give off there own light and the light waves dont line up with the rest of them.
  3. The Goldilocks Zone is a area in space in which a planet is the right distance from its home star. The surface is not to hot nor to cold.
  4. It is not gonna be much bigger than earth, it would be very different than what im used to. Also, it has an longer orbit period than planet Earth. To me, it would not be intelligent because it has to much that is with it.
  5. No, i do not believe in Aliens. Those things are to much for my ears. From what i know they cant do anything to help me in life, so i see no point in believing in them. No one really talks of them unless there watching a movie.

Monday, April 26, 2010

blog post #2

1. The primary gas in the Jovian planets is Hydrogen.

2. The primary gas in Mars and Venus is Carbon Dioxide.

3. If i could visit any one of the planets i would take a visit to, Saturn. I would go to saturn because the name is unique and it is something different. Also because it is the most massive planet. Also Saturn has 31 known satelites. The temperature is almost alright.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

blog post #1.

Saturn's Rings
Saturn was surrounded by a solid ring. It Is divided in to 5 major components. Those components are the G,C,F,A and B rings. The gap that is between the A and the B ring is called the Cassini division. The F ring is exceedingly faint and closet to the planet. Another thing is that the F ring is a narrow feature just outside the A ring. Sometimes you will see Saturn's rings illuminated by the sun. The outer ring is kept close by the gravitational interaction of two small shepherd moons.
Mars is known as the "Red Planet". It is called the Red Planet because it commonly appears with a red tinge when it is in the sky. It is the fourth planet from the sun. The rocks and soil have a red hue to them. The atmosphere of mars is different that the one of earth. It is the only planet whose surface can be seen in detail from the earth. Another thing is that Mars has the largest canyon in the solar system.
Pluto was discovered in 1930. It is 2/3 the size of earth's moon. It is also the farthest known planet from the sun. Pluto has one moon named Charon. Pluto was named after the God Of The Underworld. Also, it has no rings. Charon, pluto's moon appears to be stationary in the sky. Now Pluto is classified as the "dwarf planet". Furthermore, Pluto is smaller than seven of the solar system's moon.s
Asteroid Belt
The asteroild belt is a region between the inner/outer planets where thousands of asteroids are found orbitting around the sun. The main asteroid belt is located between Mars and Jupiter. Good thing is that the total mass of all the asteroids is less than that of a moon. Most of the Asteroid belts are rocky.
Kupier Belt
A kupier belt is a region of space along ecliptic on the outside of Neptune. It contains planetesimals and also contains countless comets and "super comets". The kuiper belt is also rocky.

Monday, April 19, 2010

blog post #6

1. blog post number 6 because there is no right or wrong answer.

2. Moisture,Clouds and Precipitation.

3. I deserve at least an A because i did my blogs, none are late and i tried my best.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

bloq post #4.

  1. 1. It is tree pollen, the most active is the Oak tree.

  2. 2. You need dry, windy weather to make a perfect storm of pollen

  3. 3. Malvaceae Pollen can have small pores, the spines are about twice as long as the wall is thick. It is spherical, porate and echinate, with a remarkably thick inner wall. Also, The pores are rough, rectangular openings in the outer wall.

Friday, April 2, 2010

bloq post #3

  1. Solids, liquids, gases, plasmas, and Bose-Einstein condensates
  2. It is by energy or heat
  3. Kelvin= 0. Fahrenheit=-459.67 Celsius=-273.15
  4. It is 3.
  5. Pis sorta a type of gas, it would have a nasty smell and a squalid taste.

Monday, March 29, 2010

bloq post #2.

  1. rainwater collections, geothermal A/C, solar photovoltaic power systems.

2. geothermal a/c helps you save up to 70% on your heating bill.

3. food and agriculture.

4. There is harm to our drinking water and oceans. There trying to get people to have more farms and produce there own food.

5. I could start buying healthy food and start getting food from farms only. Also, doing different things to save the top soil.

Friday, March 26, 2010

bloq post #!

  1. hurricane Floyd.

  2. It was a category 4 hurricane.

  3. It started as a tropical wave, it developed into a tropical depression

  4. it was 50 of 56 deaths; it was 3 to 6 million dollars in damage.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

bloq post #7

  1. blog post number six was my best blog, it was intresting and it was fun! It was the best because i actually took my time and created it.
  2. Once again, no one is perfect so i deserve a high C or a high B; i did all my blogs and i put forth effort.
  3. chapter 9, Tectonic Plates; It was the best because everything I thought I knew, I did not know. That chapter helped me out and I also learned different key ways to understand plate boundaries.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

bloq post #1

1. Tautona is the deepest at 3.6 Km deep.

2. The mantle is 35 km below surface.

3. It would be very hot, it would have a lot of water; for the most part it would be rock that is unbreakable. The inner core would be hotter with solid mass and the outer core would be very hot. When reaching the crust, i Would see moutaints and human life things.

bloq post #5

1.Chile Earthquake May Have Shortened Earths Day, Shifted Axis.

-By Malcolm Ritter

2."The length of a day is the time it takes for the planet to complete one rotation – 86,400 seconds or 24 hours"

3. Yes i agree, because it is true that it takes 24hours; which is a full day for earth to make it around the sun.

wordle, bloq post #6

Wordle: creation of words choice.!

Friday, February 26, 2010

blog post #4

  1. scientist, Dale Emeagwali
  2. She contributions to the field of microbiology, molecular biology and biochemistry.

-T.elkins invented the toilet

-Jerry Johnson invented the sani-phone .

-Walter Sammons invented the Pressing Comb.

*I chose George T.sampson, he invented the close dryer that used heat from the stove.

It is significant, because people could dry there clothes and not have to worry about hanging them on a line.

Friday, February 19, 2010

bloq post #3 .

  1. Rodinia and Pangaea are similiar because they both talk about the continents and show how they are formed.
  2. between 500 and 550 .
  3. The world would be everywhere, the continents are all separated .
  4. I would pick South China, because it would be a different environment for me and i can experience different things.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

bloq post #2,

  1. Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Mississippian, pennsylvanian, Permian, Triassia, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Tertiary, Quaternary.
  2. Come Out Sue Down Missy Peter Pan Treasure just come truely quiet.
  3. D, A, E , B , C .

Friday, February 5, 2010

bloq post #6.

  1. i Believe that i deserve a good grade because i did all my blogs. I dont derserve a perfect 100 because no one is perfect and that is a perfect score but my grades for my first quarter blogs should be fine .
  2. I deserve this grade because i put forth effort, they were on time and i tried my best !
  3. I think blog post number 5 because i had brief detail !

Friday, January 29, 2010

bloqq post #5: Rocks Rock !

  • Coal is a sedimentary rock, we use that rock everyday when we cook on the grill.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

bloqq post #4.

bloqq post # 4.

I would recommend a Nissian Armada because it is a jeep, and you have three kids. There will be a lot of comfort and the gas is worth it. The truck is compact and sort of huge, it has a nice inside and the outside is very shiny. It does not take a huge, expensive car to be the best car to suite you.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Map Projection .

i like the mercator the best because everything is straight. All the lines go the same way and it is easier to read. For instance, when the dots are not directly on the line; the straight lines are very helpful.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Most Intresing To Me. (#1)

I believe that Meterology is the most intresting to me, because it is based on the wheather. I enjoy hearing about the different wheather and where it comes from. For instance, What is the purpose of the rain and why does it snow only when it is freezeing cold? Meterology seems intresting being that i have to live in the different enviroments of wheather.